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DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White

DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White

Product Details

  • Item Weight: 472 g

  • Boxed-product Weight: 472 g

  • Delivery Destinations: Visit the Delivery Destinations Help page to see where this item can be delivered.

  • ASIN: B004QNXK4U

By : PlayStation
Price : £41.99
DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White

Item Description

The Ceramic White DUALSHOCK 3 Wireless Controller for the PlayStation 3 gives the most fashionable and most intuitive game play knowledge with pressure sensors that rumble with every single action and the inclusion of the highly sensitive SIXAXIS motion sensing technology. Bluetooth technology will allow for up to seven players to play wirelessly with each other.
Weight (kg): .47Dimensions (cm): 22 x 14 x 9


DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White


DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White

Buyer Testimonials

Even though numerous to other comparable items (the colour) the product only met the minimum of my expectations with the delivery taking its time and the product itself did its job but not to the high standards that I set. Some controls had been lacklustre and could do with far better sensitivity.

My review to this websit is that I got negative lucky. From the moment I tried to purchesed a voice recorder to the game pads but sadly I never get them. There fore this web sit it has broken my trust in it which unables me do my shopping in it when I'm in have. For that reason I have not decent stuff to say as I faced negative experiences on it.


DualShock 3 Controller for Sony PS3 - White




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