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LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3" - Happy

LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 15.8 x 9 x 1.4 cm ; 50 g

  • Boxed-product Weight: 50 g

  • Delivery Destinations: Visit the Delivery Destinations Help page to see where this item can be delivered.

  • ASIN: B002842VB2

By : Brazier
Price : £3.50
LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3


LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3" - Happy


LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3

Consumer Critiques

The UK developed game LittleBigPlanet is as great a reason as any to get the Sony PS3, it has fun platform gameplay and you can totally customise your little cloth 'sackboy' characters appear, by say adding bunny ears and zebra stripes. Plus you can make your character smile, smile inanely or look sad or rather sad [mostly to amuse your co-players]. My 13 year old son loves the game and has collectable figures such as plastic model Disney Stitches. So as a entertaining low-priced gift for his birthday I purchased him one of these tiny sackmen with the smiley face - both versions are available at the moment for below a fiver. My son loved it, and insisted I also got him the alternative 'sad/angry' face sackboy version as properly. He keeps them each in their blister packs for display and occasional play. The cardboard rear of the blister pack slides off quickly and can be slide back again, leaving the packaging searching pristine - which is crucial for display as the LittleBigPlanet printing on the background card adds a lot to the visual look.
The detailed 8x4x4 cm figure is effectively created from solid plastic and is pose-in a position with the arms and legs moving up and down. The head can also rotate, but it is a bit stiff. I'm not positive no matter if the sack man would take a lot of posing adjustments, we treat him as an ornament in his blister pack, but he seems OK for this [maybe spray some polish into his joints]. I'd advise keeping the toy away from those beneath five as the arms and legs are pretty thin will need to they detach. The figure is far more suited to older youngsters and young adults anyway as they will be additional familiar with LittleBigPlanet - you have to have to know the game to completely appreciate this figurine. You can't use the arms/legs that considerably in any case as the figure is tricky to sit down or stand up, that significant head indicates he topples over really conveniently, standing or sitting, so you have to adjust the weight distribution of the figure for each and every pose [so maybe there's some educational value as well]. This sackboy looks good and is straightforward to carry about, which is all most below tens require in an occasional toy - while I suspect his all-natural habitat is standing as an re-posable ornament close to the PS3.
My son loves both the figures. His only extremely minor disappointment was that the figure wasn't genuine cloth [but it is fairly convincingly moulded]. He also would actually like to be in a position create a customisable sackboy like you do in the game, e.g. add these zebra stripes and fluffy ears - but I doubt the figure would be so low-cost then. General he thinks the figure is 'a laugh cool' and offers it 5 [and at under a fiver it's five for worth as effectively - but do store around on Amazon].

My son was desperate to get his hands on something related to the Small Significant Planet Sackboy so when he saw this he was prepared to devote £10 od his hard earned pocket dollars on it. He was not disappointed even though I canot see the the point to but yet another lump of plastic! This said, he has played with it and spent will probably hours taking pictures of this poseable figure which certainly does have some endearing qualities. So, general money well spent.


LittleBigPlanet - Sackboy 3" - Happy




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