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Killzone 3

Killzone 3

Product Details

  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.

  • ASIN: B002I0K6DG

  • Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 5.3 x 0.6 inches ; 4.2 ounces

  • Media: Video Game

  • Release Date: February 22, 2011

By : Sony
Price : $27.05
You Save : $12.94 (32%)
Killzone 3

Item Description

Edition: Regular
Amazon.com Item Description
Killzone 3 is the fourth release overall in the PlayStation 3 unique initial-individual shooter franchise, and consists of the very first integration of the PlayStation Move system into its gameplay. In it players continue the fight by a futuristic unique ops team against the seemingly unstoppable Helghast Empire. Along the way players will study far more than ever prior to about the rabid Helghan culture, as effectively as come to be aware of an internal struggle in their ranks that may possibly prove to be an very important weakness. The game attributes complete Playstation Move method integration all through the game -- which includes the Move and Navigational controllers. Added characteristics consist of: the potential to carry two major weapons, new melee and jet pack functionality and via the internet multiplayer assistance.
Continue the Fight Against the Helghast
Visari, the leader of the Helghast is gone, but the war is far from more than. Helghast forces have mounted a devastating counterattack, prompting the ISA (Interplanetary Strategic Alliance) evacuation of planet Helghan. As new Helghast battalions appear, armed with a great deal more effective weapons, ISA forces find themselves outmanned, outgunned and surrounded. Players of Killzone three will have to have to learn more about their enemy and use new tools to continue the fight.
PlayStation Move integration into Killzone 3 is 1 of these new tools. Despite the fact that the DualShock three controller is of course supported, the two controllers of the PlayStation Move process (Move and Navigational) are also usable at every stage of the game. Use the Motion Controller as a website for your weapon and pointer that changes your view of the horizon onscreen, whereas the Navigational controller delivers movement as nicely as auto-aiming functionality. The sensitivity of the Move controller can be altered via the game's setting menu. With a subtle gesture the Move Motion controller can also reload a weapon, choose up products and ammo on the battlefield, as properly as unleash a brutal melee attack inside close range of an enemy. Added attributes of the game as a entire include things like: the ability to carry two principal weapons in addition to your piston and knife, jet pack functionality seen in earlier games, completely destructible environments and online multiplayer assistance.

PlayStation Move
PlayStation Move presents a new and innovative gaming encounter for the PlayStation three (PS3) technique by fusing realistic, high-definition gaming along with accurate, intuitive control. Consisting of PlayStation Move motion controller, the PlayStation Eye camera and the optional PlayStation Move Navigational controller, the PlayStation Move controller method enables sophisticated motion manage and immersive gameplay only probable on PlayStation 3.
Camera Peripheral
The PlayStation Eye camera is an integral portion of PlayStation Move knowledge. The camera tracks the sphere of the Move motion controller in your hands to accurately read your each move. Crouch behind cover, or dodge an incoming attack - your movements will be accurately captured in-game. The camera has a quickly frame rate for pristine video good quality. It also has built-in microphones so that you can chat about strategies with other players, give in-game commands, or set up a private conversations with up to six good friends.
Move Motion Controller
The cornerstone of the PlayStation Move program, the PlayStation Move motion controller combines advanced motion sensors, a dynamic color changing sphere, vibration feedback, and an very easy-to-use button interface to provide the ultimate in motion-based gaming. Equipped with a three axis gyroscope, a three axis accelerometer and terrestrial magnetic field sensor, the PlayStation Move motion controller registers your precise movements by noting the angle of the controller in true-time and in 3D space by way of a constant connection to the PlayStation Eye camera. Highly sensitive movement tracking can be accurately traced back to the game, allowing intuitive gameplay as if the player is within the game. The PlayStation Move also characteristics the familiar PlayStation controller button orientation, for seamless play from the pretty first use.
Move Navigational Controller
The PlayStation Move Navigation controller is a supplementary controller developed to additional expand the expertise that PlayStation Move games can supply. It can be made use of in most PlayStation Move games that call for navigating an in-game character as it replicates the control attributes of the left side of DualShock 3 or Sixaxis wireless controllers into one's PlayStation Move encounter. The PlayStation Move Navigation controller adds an analog stick, directional buttons and two face buttons into the PlayStation Move's control scheme. In addition, the Move Navigation controller consists of the L1 button, L2 button and L3 button for actions and commands popular in advanced gaming.
Key Game Functions
  • Epic single player campaign with a gripping storyline and intense action
  • Battle your way by means of tremendous, diverse environments from alien jungles to harsh arctic vistas shown in extraordinary graphic detail
  • Face off against new, relentless Helghast enemies armed with extra effective weapons and skills
  • Complete 3D compatibility takes immersion to new heights, delivering a "boots-on-the-ground" expertise like no other
  • Award-winning multiplayer mode returns, with added game modes, new automobile gameplay, brutal close combat system, far more powerful weapons, and a significantly more accessible encounter
  • New brutal melee technique lets you get "up close and private" with Helghast enemies for even alot more intense combat
  • Increased vehicle gameplay, including aerial combat action with ISA Intruders and jet packs

More Screenshots

Visari is gone, but the war is far from more than. Helghast forces have mounted a devastating counter-attack, prompting the ISA evacuation of planet Helghan. As new Helghast battalions appear, armed with more effective weapons, ISA forces get themselves outmanned, outgunned and surrounded.


Killzone 3


Product Functions

  • Award-winning multiplayer mode returns with an even a lot more robust feature set

  • 100% PlayStation Move compatibility all through the game

  • New compelling characteristics like: a new brutal melee method, the capacity to carry 2 primary weapons and elevated car gameplay

  • Face off against new Helghast enemies armed with alot more highly effective weapons and abilities

  • Complete 3D compatibility takes immersion to new heights, delivering a 'boots-on-the-ground' expertise like no other

Killzone 3

Client Reviews

I've been a major fan of Killzone due to the fact it came out on the PS2. With each and every game the developer has taken slow but Solid actions in making a strong FPS game that refuses to pull its punches. Every single installment improves upon the current and Killzone 3 does not disappoint. The rumors of a short campaign, blotchy storyline, etc are extremely overblown. Not only does Killzone 3 deliver a solid, faster paced single player campaign than the prior installment, but the Multi-Player is some of the most addictive I've skilled.
GAMEPLAY - Single Player
If you played Killzone two, much better but... the KZ3 SP demo you know what to count on. I truly identified the controls of the final product smoother than the demo. There was alot more response to the aiming and I even had to turn down my sensitivity from what I had been playing the demo at. The campaign of the game readily spans about 6-eight hours or did so for me, which is far greater than the 4-five hrs some critique sites had been claiming. They either rushed via the game or played it on Painless (which is no entertaining, you feel like a god on Very easy mode) Combat is fast but smooth with the enemy AI being fairly intelligent in how it combats you. You can see there was a really high polish place into the Helghast AI as they will consistently take cover, blind fire and operate to develop flanking setups on you. If you played through Killzone 2's campaign KZ3 has a related setup to how it progresses(cutscene, tons of combat/action, cutscene... rinse and repeat) The gameplay gets changed up regularly. You can go from ground n' pound style to suddenly on a tank turret back to ground pounding then suddenly in a mech then flying a jetpack and so on. There are some rail shooter events (clearly designed for the MOVE controller support) but they basically do a excellent job giving you a break from being a foot soldier. General, the single player campaign has very a lot to offer with plenty of wide variety and embracing you in a correct feeling of war.
Multiplayer - Not my powerful point but the MP is truly enjoyable. If you played the KZ3 MP demo there isn't substantially that has changed other than new maps and some smaller improvements. The MP setup is the ideal Killzone has offered however and might possibly even give Call of Duty a run for its revenue on the PS3. Even though the MP may possibly not be for every person it is surely worth checking out and has a lot of prospective for some superb competitive matches.
Killzone is pretty substantially the story of the ISA and Helghast war. Very first Helghast invades the ISA, the ISA counter and Killzone 3 picks up ideal where Killzone two ends. Do not anticipate an award winning storyline here but it is present. Killzone 3 focuses this time on the ISA efforts to escape as nicely as the internal workings of the Helghast leaders. It offers more depth than the previous games whilst not becoming to overly chatty. Killzone 3 does a improved job presenting the story than Killzone 2 did I really feel, but it also brings to light the storyline is fairly weak. But, story was in no way definitely Killzone's key object. The Audio in KZ3 is brilliant. Guns sound powerful, AI units and Helghast enemies sound pretty life like. Ambient noise is incredible specially through firefights. You can inform they worked certainly tricky polishing this game so that the audio effects assist immerse you into the gameplay.
I don't even have to say significantly here. The graphics look remarkable. Whereas they aren't jaw dropping nor give you "awe factor" like sun sets and stuff Killzone 3 makes use of its potent graphic engine to give you a especially realistic really feel of the battle. Snow, water, fire, gun shots.. it all looks wonderful and creates gorgeous environments. The only unfavorable I could say about the graphics is that when you go to a cut-scene the character textures do not look nearly as great as the weapon and level textures. But, we all know we're playing Killzone 3 for the in game action not seeking at how bad Sev wants a new haircut ^_^
As mentioned earlier, for me the SP campaign on Normal clocked in at 6-8 hrs give or take. The campaign was a ton of entertaining and just like Killzone two I could see myself playing via it very a few instances to try for some trophies, or just to personal some Helghast. What truely boosts the length and replay-potential of this game is the MP. I wasn't fond of KZ2's multiplayer so whereas KZ2 had lots of SP replay for me, it did lack that MP edge. KZ3 in spite of this comes to the table with all cylinders firing. When SP is def worth replaying, the MP is what is worth keeping this game inside arms reach at all occasions. Even if you are not competitive(casual like me), the MP is enjoyable with lots of features to hold you occupied for some time.
Overall (91% 9.1/A-)
Killzone 3 did not disappoint. It has been a long wait and well worth it. The MP is much better than expected and the SP-campaign exceeded my expectations. I would give this game general a 91% (9.1/ten). The game fired on all cylinders and what small negatives I encountered were far from game breaking. The only true gripes I would take I discovered in the SP-campaign.
1. The ISA voice acting wasn't definitely that fantastic. There was no sense of urgency in their voices and it just felt like they had been reading lines (except for Rico, Sev and Jammer they had some fantastic voice acting, as did the Helghast)
2. Often the Objective marker would just bug out. When I would try to tag exactly where I had to go absolutely nothing would appear and my objectives menu would be empty (but I clearly had to destroy 2 additional tanks or set a door charge someplace). Minor annoyance
three. Melee damaged doors to open them oddly, I would Melee the door and about a second later it would explode. Weird lag, only was happening on the interactive doors you could break.
Outside of those three troubles the game was fairly substantially a terrific FPS that effectively warrants a 91% score. It delivers a solid SP campaign knowledge and outstanding MP setup. A Need to Decide to buy for any FPS fan
v1.03 was released two/24/2011 this version has fixed Issue two and Problem three on my finish

The single player mode is short but oh how sweet it is! Excellent looking environments, continuous action, and melee kills that make you really feel like a badass!
The multiplayer mode has remarkable maps, and a number of distinct classes to select from. This is so numerous from games like COD because you can in fact choose how you want to play the game. Do you want to infiltrate the other team and trick them into believing you are 1 of them? Or is healing people today additional your style? Effectively you can do either, plus significantly much more!
Also, if you have slow world wide web or just do not like playing online, it also has a botzone mode, which is basically an offline multiplayer where you compete with AI Bots. This mode is a excellent way to discover maps and choose which class is your preferred! Order this game! You will not regret it!


Killzone 3




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